Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Another milestone...

Last Sunday a very important ritual, and right of passage took place. I took Gabriella Danielle, the oldest of the Reece's Pieces shopping for kindergarten clothes. Her mother and #2 sister went too, and we had a really great day.
In June sometime, her Papa told her that if I would take her, he would pay for her school clothes. Never being one to pass up using my ex's money, I accepted the challenge!
I wanted to make an early start of it, because in the college town they live in it was also "move in weekend" and I really didn't want to be anywhere near there to shop! Besides, we were looking for Miss Gabi's "holy grail" of shoes... come on, we all have 'em!
We head toward Kansas City and here is where we started~

An hour or so later (I'm a quite a shopper, even with kids!) We had this to show for our time and trying on. I have to say, this girl is a wonder! We did not have 1 cross word about anything. It was one of the easiest, most pleasant back to school shopping trip I have ever had with girls... those who have them know what I mean! Now, when you look at this picture you zero in on one thing right away! My sweet girl's bangs. I am sorry to say that she has the same odd gene that her mother had. It makes you cut your own bangs the minute they start bugging you. Ask an adult? Naahhh! I'll do it myself!! I am even more sorry to say that this happened on my watch.

Isn't the pink tutu skirt to die for?? It looks so cute with the brown with pink & white polka dot leggings and top! LOVE it!

Ok! Across the parking lot we go to Target for school supplies. This turned out to the the most trying part of the trip. First the girls were getting hungry. Never a good thing for a 5 year and a 2 year old. Then we decided to prepare Gabi for the fact that she didn't get to keep all of her markers and crayons, etc herself. They go into a class box and everyone uses them. Not a happy girl. Now you have to understand, this 5 year old has 2 younger sisters. Anything that she can have that is hers is monumental. That said she shares so well! In fact, later you'll see how she can't let her sisters be left out! But she so wanted those school supplies! I'm lovin' the Hello Kitty backpack she picked out.

Magdalena Elizabeth is sporting her adorable new hat. Miss Maggie is starting to droop a little, but just needed some lunch!
Still just silly enough to play shy!

Lunch out of the way and on to our search for the "Holy Grail"... Sketcher's Twinkle Toe's. Thank you so much Nickelodeon! Thank you shoe fairy for pointing us in the right direction. After Gabi had made her choice she found a pair for her sister and championed Maggie and they won. Both were so happy! Tinker Bell & Twinkle Toes.

Twinkle Toe's Gabi. I love this baby so much it hurts. I love that I got to share this with her.
So we had a LONG day, but it was awesome! And after it was all said & done we were happy and tired! I LOVE being the Nana! :o)

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