Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

It seemed very odd that Halloween was on the weekend. (yes I know it was last year too...) It seems like part of Halloween is rushing home from work and trying to get some real food into kids so sugar is not the only thing going into their already hyper little bodies. This weekend seemed like one event after another, Friday through Sunday.

For the last few years I have not been doing Halloween decorations, instead going for just Autumn items. OK, I'm lazy. This way it stays up until Thanksgiving!

The trick-or-treat group that went through the neighbor hood was mostly age appropriate. There were, however, a couple that were pushed my limits. And 1 group that went as far as to make me mad. The mad group was a group of 6 that came in a van. There were younger kids, 1 who was pushing it, and a GROWN WOMAN. I have told this story several times today because I think I still can't believe it! She had a fabric, reusable shopping bag and at first I didn't really notice. That is until she flat out asked if she could 'have the Reeces'. Really?! At that point I needed to refill my bowl (only about 4 or 5 pieces left). The oldest kid in the group then says 'I'll take the rest of those.' At this point I looked at him and said "No you won't" It was out before I could check my mouth. If one of my kids had done this all the candy would have been mine and we would have been heading home!
Other than this one group we had a great group of princesses, and Buzz Lightyear, puppies, and the cutest little pirate!

Hope everyone had a great time no matter how you celebrated... or didn't. :o)



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