Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wine & Wii Weekend- 2011 edition

So it's Saturday again. Can someone please tell me what happened to the week? I'm in the process of trying to pack for BlogHer, and feeling more that just a little overwhelmed. With taking vacation time comes the effort of getting my office prepared for me to be gone. I've been training one of the part time girls to do the bare minimum of what needs to happen. People, strangely, want to get paid even when I'm gone. Hmmm, go figure. I've also been trying to get clothes ready. I stress about what I'm going to wear to work, can you picture how many combos of outfits I've tried on? The guest bed is covered in clothes. Oh, so that means I have to get that cleaned up too. 

Courtney Dawn came home Thursday! Woo! When she left  in April I knew it would go fast, but I'm so relieved that basic & tech school are finished & she can be home with her family. I know 3 little girls & a daddy that are happy too!

Last weekend we had our 4th annual Wine & Wii Weekend. I really can't believe it's been a year since the last time I wrote about it. And what a difference a year makes. This year was more of a baby commune than anything else. It's the first time we've had Grehyor, Emerson & Myla together. After this weekend I can't wait to watch them grow up together. 

As always, there was so much good food. 

Most of these hot little beauties came right out of our garden

This is my favorite go-to salad. Pretty sure I could live on it for quite a while.

Christina made this oh so yummy corn mac-n-cheese.

Brats are from the butcher shop that Jake's step-dad owns. Delicious!

Why do itty bitty wings when you can do full size chicken legs?

So I guess most of Columbia had no idea it rained. Well it did, right when Adam was trying to finish up the grilling! 

Rain + sunshine= rainbows  :o)

Food coma, coming right up!

Annie thinks she needs to play too!

Most of the time was a big baby exchange.

Gabi & Olivia took over the man cave & had a Christmas movie marathon.

3 Amigos

Even Adam got in on the baby action

On to a little Wii. Here's our Mii roundup. What a motley crew we are!  

So another great family weekend is in the books. Life is good.



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